Team Work
- Whilst working on the shoot, we went to our two locations and filmed all of the scenes we had on the storyboard. Whilst in the media suite, we filmed the jail scene and the night club scene. We also had music on in the background to try and teach someone how to do the macarana for the night club scene.
- I fulfilled my role as director by making sure everyone was doing what they were meant to be doing filling everyone in on what they needed to do for the shot we were filming.
- We all worked well together and had a lot of fun filming together
- The best moment whilst working together was in the media room, trying to teach one of our group members how to do the macerana for a scene where she is dancing in ther club.
- What we would do differently next time is make sure we have more than one recording of each scene to make sure we had the right shot and several clips to choose from.
Studio Footage
- What I like about this clips is that it is just a simple clip of the killers eyes but when put in the right context can be really effective.
- I'm going to use it in my trailer by having it play with some suspensful music and having a voiceover play as well which would be describing a certain part in the case.
- I am going to be using a YouTube video as the voice-over because it is easy to trim the audio down to parts I want to use. This will be used at certain points in the trailer to help the audience understand what is going on. I will also be using text at the end of the trailer. It will be used to tell the audience when it is going going to be released, the name of the documentary and the sub-credits.
- There are text boxes in We-Video that we can use.
Location Footage
- What I like about this clips is that it's quick
- I'm going to use it in my trailer by
- I am not going to add any filters to it but there is music behind it. There is not going to be any text over it as there is going to be some at the end of the trailer.
Studio Footage
- The thing we could've done differently is not to mess around and focus on getting the right shot for the trailer.
- I'm going to use this in my trailer by trying to use greenscreen and make it look like she is in a nightclub or bar. I have also used a voiceover when using this clip to describe what is going on.
Location Footage
- The thing we could do differently is keep the camera more still and maybe done it differently in another posititon. Also we could've filmed it a few more times so we had more to chose from.
- I am going to use this in the trailer by using a small section of before it cuts to a black screen. It will also have some suspensful music playing behind it to make it more
- We don't need to re-shoot as we can cut it down to the size we need and use it.
- This is me looking at all of the clips we had filmed to make sure we had all of the right ones we needed and if we need to film anymore.
- After this, I went and found the original youtube video I found this case from and downloaded it as an audio. This is so I could use it as a voiceover.
This is shot No. 21 in our storyboard.
This is shot No. 5 in our storyboard.
This is shot No. 18 in our storyboard.
This is shot No. 13 in our storyboard
This is shot No.9 in our storyboard.