Rough Cut
Things I would do differently
After reciving some feedback, there are some things I would change about this. The first thing being adding somesort of suspensful music. This would be useful to create tension which will make the audience more excited to see it.
The use of the voice over i've put in is really effective because it will help the audience to understand what the film will vaguely be about without revealing the whole plot.
I had a good use of code and conventions for the two genres which help the documentary seem more like horror and true crime
There were a few good use of different shot types used in this trailer that are really effective
The camera was a bit shakey which is good in some places but for the most part, it could've been not as shakey because the audience might not be able to see what is happening.
More of the story could be told through voice over and scenes so it could be more understandale to the audience so they have a decent idea of what is going to happen in the actual documentary.
It would've of been a good idea to have a title card at the end before the credits that will tell the audience that the documentary is based off of a true story but that we have had to change a few parts of the actual story to make it fit
I could've made some of the clips longer so they didn't end so quickly and you could understand what is happening.